The FemSlash Advent Calendar :: Dead of Winter 2011

FemSlash To Meet Your Solstice Needs

Important Dates of Note

The Calendar

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
20 November

all entries & dropout requests are due by 23:59 PST

21 November

aj preps the calendar to go live

22 November

aj preps the calendar to go live

23 November

aj preps the calendar to go live

24 November

aj preps the calendar to go live

25 November
New Moon

aj preps the calendar to go live

26 November

aj preps the calendar to go live

27 November

aj preps the calendar to go live

28 November

aj preps the calendar to go live

29 November

aj preps the calendar to go live

30 November

aj preps the calendar to go live

1 December
World AIDS Day / Day Without Art

The FSAC:: DW11 will have no stories today in honor of World AIDS Day

2 December

Author: A. Magiluna Stormwriter
Series: Poltergeist: the Legacy/LWM
Pairing: Alex/Rachel
Title: Bank the Embers

3 December

Author: Merfilly
Series: DC comics
Pairing: Diana/Dinah (Wonder Woman/Black Canary)
Title: Through It All

4 December

Author: Susan P.
Series: Babylon 5
Pairing: Susan/Talia
Title: A Meeting of Minds

5 December

Author: Layla Aaron
Series: Firefly/Serenity
Pairing: Inara/Kaylee
Title: Kaylee and the Strawberry

6 December
St. Nick's Day

Author: A. Magiluna Stormwriter
Series: Star Trek: TNG/Highlander
Pairing: Lwaxana Troi/Amanda Darrieux
Title: Holiday Assignation

7 December

Author: Athena
Series: Warehouse 13/Sanctuary
Pairing: Helena G. Wells/Helen Magnus
Title: Victorian Seduction

8 December

Author: A. Magiluna Stormwriter
Series: CSI: Miami/CSI: NY
Pairing: Stella/Natalia/Calleigh
Title: Stella and the No Good, Rotten, Horrible Day

9 December

Author: openended
Series: Sanctuary
Pairing: Helen Magnus/Amelia Earhart
Title: Patchwork Land

10 December
Full Moon // Human Rights Day

Author: Celievamp
Series: X Files / Dr Who
Pairing: Dana Scully / River Song
Title: Hardly Begun

11 December

Author: Annette
Series: Glee
Pairing: Santana/Rachel
Title: Working the Pole: The Prologue

12 December

Author: Layla Aaron
Series: White Collar
Pairing: El/June
Title: A Woman's Touch

13 December

Author: Athena
Series: Warehouse 13
Pairing: Myka Bering/Helena G. Wells
Title: Lazy Sunday

14 December

Author: A. Magiluna Stormwriter
Series: Battlestar Galactica/Star Trek: The Next Generation/Poltergeist: the Legacy/The West Wing
Pairing: Alex Moreau/Ainsley Hayes
Title: Game, Set, Match

15 December

Author: A. Magiluna Stormwriter
Series: Babylon 5/Star Trek: The Next Generation/Glee
Pairing: Susan Ivanova/Lwaxana Troi, Sue Sylvester/OFC
Title: Obligation

16 December

Author: A. Magiluna Stormwriter
Series: The West Wing
Pairing: CJ/Ainsley
Title: Ticket

17 December

Author: Geekgrrllurking
Series: Once Upon a Time
Pairing: Emma/Regina
Title: When You Wish Upon a Star

18 December

Author: elliemurasaki
Series: Supernatural
Pairing: Mary/Ellen
Title: More Things in Heaven

19 December

Author: Layla Aaron
Series: The Good Wife
Pairing: Kalinda Sharma/Sophia Russo/Dana Lodge
Title: Sleeping With the Enemy

20 December
Chanukah begins

Author: cherokee62
Series: Criminal Minds
Pairing: Jennifer Jareau/Emily Prentiss
Title: Never Too Late

21 December

Author: Andromeda Valentine
Series: Sanctuary
Pairing: Kate Freelander/Helen Magnus
Title: Unconventional

22 December
Winter Solstice

Author: Shatterpath
Series: CSI/The Division via LWM
Pairing: Dace/Catherine, Dace/Akiko, Akiko/Amaterasu
Title: Fun and Business in Tokyo

Author: Athena
Series: Warehouse 13
Pairing: Myka Bering/Helena G. Wells
Title: Knickers, Wine & Movies

23 December

Author: openended
Series: Sanctuary
Pairing: Helen Magnus/Amelia Earhart
Title: Danger, Danger, This Might Hurt

24 December
Christmas Eve

Author: Celievamp
Series: Stargate SG-1
Pairing: Sam Carter / Janet Fraiser
Title: In The Light

25 December
Christmas Day

Author: Athena
Series: Warehouse 13
Pairing: Myka Bering/Helena G. Wells
Title: Mr. Shakesbear

Author: Andromeda Valentine
Series: Warehouse 13
Pairing: Myka Bering/HG Wells
Title: One Night

26 December
Boxing Day // Kwanzaa begins

Vote for the best overall fic, art & vid

And don't forget to give feedback to the contributors!

27 December

Vote for the best overall fic, art & vid

And don't forget to give feedback to the contributors!

28 December
Chanukah ends

Vote for the best overall fic, art & vid

And don't forget to give feedback to the contributors!

29 December

Vote for the best overall fic, art & vid

And don't forget to give feedback to the contributors!

30 December

Vote for the best overall fic, art & vid

And don't forget to give feedback to the contributors!

31 December
New Year's Eve

Vote for the best overall fic, art & vid

And don't forget to give feedback to the contributors!

1 January
New Year's Day // Kwanzaa ends

Entries released from exclusivity.

Winners announced.

Graphics for winners & participants available

And don't forget to give feedback to the contributors!

2 January


And don't forget to give feedback to the contributors!

3 January


And don't forget to give feedback to the contributors!

4 January


And don't forget to give feedback to the contributors!

5 January


And don't forget to give feedback to the contributors!

6 January


And don't forget to give feedback to the contributors!

7 January


And don't forget to give feedback to the contributors!