The FemSlash Advent Calendar :: Dead of Winter 2008

FemSlash To Meet Your Solstice Needs

Important Dates of Note

The Calendar

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
December 21
Hannukah begins

Author: A. Magiluna Stormwriter
Series: Poltergeist: the Legacy/LWM
Pairing: Alex/Rachel
Title: Promises Made

Author: Shatterpath
Series: Light, Water, Muses
Pairing: Various involving Dace, plus many old favorites
Title: Prisms - Isle de Baraja

December 22

Author: ceridwyn2
Series: ER
Pairing: Kerry/Abby
Title: Of Tears & Joy

December 23

Author: carpesomediem
Series: CSI
Pairing: Catherine/Sara
Title: Returning

December 24
Christmas Eve

Author: geekgrrllurking
Series: Bionic Woman
Pairing: Jaime/Ruth
Title: Operation: Mistletoe

December 25
Christmas Day

Author: Celievamp
Series: Sanctuary
Pairing: Helen Magnus / The Mermaid
Title: Lullaby

December 26
Boxing Day
Kwanzaa begins

Author: carpesomdiem
Series: ER
Pairing: Abby/Susan
Title: Hello, My Name Is

December 27
New Moon

Author: Celievamp
Series: Farscape/Firefly
Pairing: Aeryn Sun / Inara Serra
Title: Diplomatic Relations

December 28
Hannukah ends

Author: angel1972
Series: CSI
Pairing: Lady Heather/Catherine
Title: Unexpected

December 29

Author: romansilence
Series: Stargate SG1
Pairing: Sam/Janet
Title: Penance

December 30

Author: Annette
Series: original
Pairing: original
Title: The Ultimate What If

December 31
New Year's Eve

Author: romansilence
Series: Babylon 5
Pairing: Susan/Talia
Title: A New Beginning

January 1
New Year's Day
Kwanzaa ends

Author: Ardvari
Series: CSI
Pairing: Sara/Sofia
Title: Furbaby

Author: Celievamp
Series: Stargate SG1
Pairing: Sam/Janet
Title: Genesis

January 2

Vote for the
best overall
fic, art & vid


And don't forget to give feedback to the contributors!

January 3

Vote for the
best overall
fic, art & vid


And don't forget to give feedback to the contributors!

January 4

Vote for the
best overall
fic, art & vid


And don't forget to give feedback to the contributors!

January 5

Vote for the
best overall
fic, art & vid


And don't forget to give feedback to the contributors!

January 6

Entries released from exclusivity.

Poll winners announced

Graphics for winners & participants available


And don't forget to give feedback to the contributors!

January 7


And don't forget to give feedback to the contributors!

January 8


And don't forget to give feedback to the contributors!

January 9


And don't forget to give feedback to the contributors!

January 10


And don't forget to give feedback to the contributors!